EXPLOPROTECT merupakan ALOI yang diperbuat dari ALUMINIUM dan MANGNESIUM yang boleh digunakan untuk membantu menghalang letupan dengan menyerap tenaga kinetik yang meningkat serta boleh digunakan pada isipadu besar. Jaringan keselamatn ini boleh digunakan di tangki kenderaan.Keputusan ujian telah mengesyorkan bahan yang digunakan oleh jaringan selamat EXPLOPROTECT telah lulus syarat-syarat yang diperlukan. Kini kita boleh menghalang risiko-risiko letupan akibat kemalangan jalan raya atau penganiayaan dengan adanya jaringan keselamatan EXPLOPROTECT.Keselamatan nyawa serta harta benda dapat dicapai dengan terhalangnya letupan oleh EXPLOPROTECT.

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011


-Gambar hiasan : http://mamutanjung.blogspot.com/2009/01/kenangan-kereta-kereta-saya.html

Banyak risiko boleh terjadi semasa memandu di jalan raya.Kenderaan terkini dilengkapi khas dengan bermacam-macam alat kelengkapan seperti ABS ( anti-lock braking system ),SRS beg udara dan lain-lain.
Kita masih tidak dapat meramalkan tragedi atau malang menimpa kita,walau pun kita merasa was-was semasa jalan raya.Tragedi yang paling Ngeri sekali boleh terjadi ialah letupan yang berlaku dari kenderaan kemalangan di jalan raya.

Oleh yang demikian,kita harus mengambil langkah -langkah yang perlu untuk menghalang daripada berlakunya tragedi letupan dari kenderaan kita.


THURSDAY, 13 MAY 2010 12:32

Dalam beberapa dekad ini, Malaysia telah menyaksikan pembangunan yang pesat dalam sektor pengangkutan berbanding dengan negara-negara ASEAN yang lain.

Di Kuala Lumpur dan Lembah Klang, kadar peningkatan kereta adalah paling tinggi berbanding dengan kawasan-kawasan yang lain.

Berdasarkan laporan Pelan Struktur Kuala Lumpur 2020, hanya 20 peratus penduduk Kuala Lumpur yang menggunakan pengangkutan awam. Keadaan ini telah menyumbang kepada penambahan jumlah kereta di jalan raya dan menyebabkan kesesakan lalu lintas dan pencemaran.

Isnin, 10 Januari 2011

EXPLO CONTROL is available in 3 ways

1. Poliedric net in form of rolls to be installed in
tanks that are in the manufacturing process, or
large capacity tanks (Ex.: track containers, refinery
deposits or petrol stations)
2. Poliedric reticular net in form of rolls for gas pipelines
3. Poliedric net in form of balls to be installed after the
manufacturing process of the
tank for the introduction of the balls through the
mouth of such (Ex.: Cars and gas containers).


The inflammation of a mixture of gasoline/air, diesel/air, gas/air or of any other combustible, caused by a spark, flame, compression or a violent deformation of the tank (BLEVE effect: Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion) where that mixture is contained, caused by crashes, traffic, navigation and flight accidents, breakdowns, reparations, maintenance or fortuitous causes, produces the explosion of the tank because of the huge amount of energy is feed in an very short moment. To prevent this reaction, with EXPLO CONTROL, the internal surface of the tank is amplified 3000%. The speed of the chain reaction of the heat wave and the fast increase in pressure of the tank in totally reduced. This is created by the interposition all along the tank's interior of the aluminium/magnesium alloy EXPLO CONTROL. The ample surface contact interposes the heat wave, absorbing all it's calorific energy therefore stopping its advance, which is the cause why explosions take place. Many International laboratories have proved that if a tank is filled to the top with EXPLO CONTROL there is a 100% chance that it will not explode.

EXPLO CONTROL, cancels the explosion in tanks filled with gasoline, diesel, gas, petroleum or any other flammable, gaseous or liquid substance.
EXPLO CONTROL, has a minimum reduction of tank's capacity of 1% for the net and 1'5% for the balls. Therefore, if a 100 litres tank is filled with net, it has a capacity of 99 litres, and if filled with the balls, it has a capacity of 98.5 litres

EXPLO CONTROL, completely avoids the oxidation in the interior of the tank.

EXPLO CONTROL, stabilises the liquid in moving tanks like ships or transport trucks

EXPLO CONTROL, does not need maintenance nor does it wear out

EXPLO CONTROL, is absolutely compatible with all types of combustibles, not changing any of it's chemical properties.

EXPLO CONTROL, cancels out electrostatic charges.

-info from : http://explocontrol.com/ingles/tecnologia.htm -

Fuel Tank Explosion Protection


Khamis, 6 Januari 2011